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Tongling Yuanyi Precision Machinery Co., Ltd.
Address: 129 west Cuihu road 5, Tongling Economic Development   Zone, Anhui Province

Tel:+86 13956259526       

Tel:+86 13905620906



Study on the cavity of package mould by Tongling Yuanyi Precision Machinery Co., Ltd.
Release time:2019-05-16 09:04:40 | Browse times:


According to the characteristics of some packaged molds, through the study of EDM discharge technology, we have effectively solved the uniformity of the surface roughness of the QFN type cavity surface, the SOT/SOP type cavity surface release, and the spherical contour of the LED spherical cavity. Degree, mirror surface roughness.


 Last chapter:The development of the mold industry puts new demands on equipment
 Next chapter:Company's 10th Anniversary Celebration: Huangshan Hongcun 2 day Tour
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Tongling Yuanyi Precision Machinery Co., Ltd.

Tel:+86 13956259526        Tel:+86 13905620906       

Address: 129 west Cuihu road 5, Tongling Economic Development Zone, Anhui Province

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